October 31, 2012

My Birthday

My Birthday is today incase you didn't know.  October 31, 2001 was when I was born in case your on a different page than me.  Today was really fun.  ( So far- I have only lived until 3:49 today )  Mom surprised me by coming to eat lunch with me at school today.  She never even told me about it! :)  She also brought me a cupcake.  Today I'm not only thankful for living 11 years but for having an awesome family.  Including Angel and Ninja.

October 30, 2012


Henry is actually turning out to be my friend I think.  Last year I thought he was kind of mean, but he's not really.  He's on my basketball team and goes to the same school as me and if I don't understand something in basketball practice he tells me about it and what we have to do.  He always wants to be my partner in basketball to.  Also he just invited me to his birthday party.  I think  we will be good friends.

October 25, 2012


Today some Veterans came to our school.  There was four of them, a bomber, two people in the Navy and a guy in the marines. They were all pretty old , and they all had some pretty cool stories to tell.

Bombers story.

    One day he was flying a bomber plane when an engine caught fire.  They managed to put it out.  Then two more fires started on the engine and they couldn't get put out.  So they had to parachute into the middle of a war.  (North and South Korea war.)  But one guy didn't want to go.  He was frozen in fear.  So the bomber guy pushed him out and then he jumped.  It was lucky to because then the plane caught fire.

Navy story.

 One day they decided to swim so they put up a net and started swimming.  The Navy guy had to look out for sharks and shoot any if he saw some.  None came.  So he yelled, ''Shark!" And that got a few laughs from him.  Until he got in trouble by the captain.

That was pretty cool wasn't it!

October 24, 2012


At recess I sometimes play soccer.  I do it for fun because I suck at it.  That's the difference between sports you want to play and sports you play that you play just because you want to. So at soccer I kick and miss and the momentum from that kick makes me fall on my butt.  That's funny and I'm fine with it at school, but if I was actually playing soccer as my favorite sport and that happened I would be really embarrassed.  By the way, the part about kicking and missing and falling down happens a lot to me. :)

October 23, 2012


I don''t know why people make Halloween a scary time!?  That's kind of dumb.  Why can't people dress up in costumes and go trick or treating without any vampires or ghosts or zombies?  Why do they have to make it a scary time.  Anyway I like my holiday!

October 17, 2012


Today we had the race.  It was really fun actually.  I saw Caden and some other people from my basketball team there, because we were racing all the 5'th grader students in Farmington.  I think I did really good but they never told us what place we placed.  I hope Meadoview Elementary School wins. (That's the school I'm in.) 

October 16, 2012

My cooking time!

Mom and Dad let Gavin, me and Chloe get to make dinner and a dessert one night this week!  Chloe's was on Sunday and mine in today!  It's a pasta with garlic bread.  But the sauce isn't red, or tomatoie.  It'll look and taste really good.  I'll try and take a picture of it for you.

October 15, 2012

The Maze Runner

What book are you reading?  I'm reading, THE  MAZE RUNNER!  I recomend it it to all you folks who appreciate good books.  But if you don't like good books and enjoy to read boring or no books then don't.  I'm not saying that you have to!  I'm just saying it's a good book.  I know!  I'll read the back and that'll give you an idea of it!  Here it goes........Once upon a time... what, that's not it..... When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name.  He has no recollection of his parents, his home or how he got where he is.  But he's not alone.  When the lifts doors open Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade, a large expanse enclosed by stone walls.

Okay tell you what, my hand hurts from typing so how about you read the book so that you know what it's about.  Bye!

October 12, 2012


We did a running practice contest.  It would decide who would be red group, blue group and white group.  Let me rewind a bit.  Red group means your one of the top 4 fastest  girls and boys in your class. Blue group is for the kind of fast kind of slow people.  White group is for the slow runners.  So in P/E we did the tryouts and I got the red group.  In fact, I was the first person in the class to finish the half mile.  It probably was because of the triathlon I did last summer.  But one thing is for sure- I was tired at the end of the tryouts!

October 11, 2012

My Basketball Goals

My basketball goals are.... Well I want to be the best basketball player ever but that goes without saying.  But I have 5 main goals.

1.  Be just as good with my left hand as my right hand.

2.  I need to work on my left hand layups.

3.  I need to work on the offense since all the other players were on the A-team last year and learned the offense last year since I don't know it.

4.  Sometimes I panic when I get the ball so I need to calm down.

5.  I need to work on dribbling fast with my head up and keep it under control.

Oh yeah, I need to be perfect too.  Other than that I'm the best basketball player ever.

October 10, 2012

What is the best card game in the world?

The best card game in the whole wide world is ......................... YU-GI-OH!  Obviously it is.I asked 2 people and they both said it was.  Guess who?  Gavin and myself.  And since no one else answered then it must be correct! Get started! Here's the website, http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/

October 9, 2012

A Hard Problem

Sorry the title may have scared you but it's not a bad problem.  It's a math problem.  I'm learning stuff like p+4+p+3+p = 72  and I have to figure out what the p's 3's and 4's make and get my answer.  Here's  a problem.  There are 3 types of doughnuts at a store: sprinkled, chocolate, and powdered.  There are 4 times as many chocolate as powdered and 3 times as many sprinkled as powdered.   There is 72 total. There are 3 answers to this but I'll give you one. P stands for 1.  3+4 =7- 7+1 =8-8 x what = 72

October 8, 2012

Royal Life

I don't think I would like to be in a royal family.  Anywhere you go people want to kill you or are afraid that you are going to kill them.  It must be hard to trust lots of people. Queen Elizabeth had several people that she thought might want to kill her and put them to death.  Also your family.  If you are the oldest and you become king or queen or whatever, your siblings will want to kill you and take over the throne for themselves.  I guess power makes people greedy for more.  Or if you don't have any you want some.  

October 5, 2012

1'st basketball practice

My first basketball practice went really well!  The coaches were nice, but they pushed us which makes me glad.  Last year my coach didn't push me or anyone of my teammates.  Not the shove kind of push. The straining your muscles until they feel like they might break.  I have boy coaches this year.  He told me that the team learned a much harder offense last year (I'm the only person on the B-team that upgraded to the A-team so they all know the play and I don't) and it will take me a while to catch up.    But I'm determined to be right behind the best player and infront of some of the others.  I'm glad I was on the B-team last year because it will make me determined to do better.   

October 4, 2012

Basketball practice

My first basketball practice it tonight!  I wonder what my coach looks like and what our teamname is going to be?  I can't wait to see every body and just enjoy being on the A-team.  I wonder what new skills I will learn and when I do I need to make sure to practice a lot at home since I want to be on the A-team every year!

October 3, 2012

Today I learned how to be nice to someone when they are being mean to you.  (Not like I haven't learned that already.)  Today someone at school (I can't say his name because mom said not to) was being really mean for no reason.  Maybe something at home was bothering him but he was just really grouchy and mean.  One example was in football (it's very competitive at recess) When I got the ball thrown to and it was a first.  But that person totally went crazy saying "You call that a first?  Let me guess, it was a touchdown too?"  Things like that.  I was astonished at the outburst and out of surprise said" What!  That was so a first."  Then that person said, "Nice sportsmanship there Bennett!"  I was really mad.  He was really mean to me.  And I thought me and him were friends again!  I don't know how my basketball season will go because he's on the same team as me.  I guess I will have to not let him ruin the fun.

October 2, 2012

Youth Raptor Corps

Today I got off school early to go to the University of Minnesota at the raptor center.  I'm part of the Youth Raptor Corps.  It's like Cub or Boy scouts but for birds.  You earn badges and get to see the birds up close and lots of other cool stuff.  I could make a book about my time there but I'm not going to so I'll have to shorten it up.  My favorite part was when we randomly grabbed a feather out of a bag and had to guess what kind of bird it belonged to.  My guess was right.  My feather belonged to a Great Horned Owl!  First I looked at it's colors and guessed on that.  Then and I made flying motioned with it in my hand and it didn't make any sound.  I knew it was right because owls are silent flyers.

October 1, 2012

My team

My basketball team is going to be good this year!  I'll say everyones name and tell you what they are good at.

 Nathan Duro is good at every thing kind of but has a great know of the game.

Jackson Todd can shoot like nobody else.  Especially 3-pointers.

Caden Spiekers can dribble really good and is a good passer.

Gabe Bassett can dribble past anybody and can shoot really good to.

Alex Kaige  is really good at layups and passing and rebounding.

Max Batta can get open really easily for a pass and then make a basket.

Henry Rust is really good at every thing.

Bennett Schuering is amazing period.

I think I'm good at every thing and know what to do and when to do it.

Jake Comes is good at defense.

That's why I think my team will do really good this year.

( If you didn't get what I was saying I will say it much simpler.  Every one on my team is AWESOME. It's the A-team after all.)