March 26, 2013

Angel's Birthday!

Today is Angels birthday!  I played with her as soon as I woke up as well as singing happy birthday.  She didn't care about the song but liked the attention and wasted no time in squawking loud enough to wake everyone up telling me to refill her water and food and turn on the radio for her and then made sure that I played with her. :)  She has such a funny personality!  I played with her more throughout the day and she was just as crazy- pecking my ear pooping on my shoulder, flying around the room, squawking at me, trying to eat some of my shirt, being cute and having a good time. :)  What a birthday!

March 21, 2013

Angel's Birthday

March 26'th is Angels birthday!  I can't believe it's only 5 days away!  I have some special plans for her but don't tell her about them! :)  Happy almost birthday Angel!

March 20, 2013

Minnesota History Museum

Today for a school field trip I went to the Minnesota History Museum!  It was pretty cool but the chaperone that was leading my group is supposed to let us look at what we want to look at but instead she made us look at everything she wanted to look at!  I still learned things though so it was all good! :)
Did you know that if your going to make a canoe you should make it out of birch bark because it is lighter, tougher, and more flexible.

March 19, 2013

Spring Break

It is almost spring break!  I remember last year in spring break we went down to TX!  It doesn't seem that long ago!  To bad we aren't going down there again, but we will see every one again soon enough probably!  I hope you have fun on your spring break!

March 15, 2013

Floor Hockey Tournament

Today in school we had a floor hockey tournament.  It was really fun and we got second place! :)
Dad and Chloe came and watched me.  Logan's class team won and I'm glad for him even though I got hit in the head with a hockey stick! :)

March 14, 2013


Chloe is about to turn 9 this April!  Where did the days go when I called her Zozy!  Time flies by so here is this I found. and look for the song called "Slip on by" by   Finding Favour.

March 13, 2013


Here is your homework today, think of 1000 word that rhyme with orange.  Just Kidding! :)

Here is your actual homework.  Think of 20 words that rhyme with sport!  Good luck!

March 11, 2013

Basketball Tournament

Last weekend we had a basketball tournament!  My team all shaved their basketball numbers into their head.  (Including me).  It's for good luck partly and good luck we did get in that tournament!  We won 3 straight games in the tournament and that got us into the Championship game!  My first ever and my team's second!  We lost but it was close!  We would have won if we didn't let them have a huge lead on us in the beginning.  The score was 22 to 3!  We were losing by a lot but we came back and got a 5 point difference between them in the end!  We still got medals and we got a team trophy!  In the last game of the season we did really good! :)

March 7, 2013


Today is going to be the last day of my basketball practice!  It's going to be different without it and also weird without seeing my teammates a lot too!  But I will try my hardest to get on the A-team again next season.

March 6, 2013

An Act Of Kindness

In Texas two high school basketball teams were facing each other in the last game of the season.  A kid on one of those teams was horrible at school and had kind of a bad life.  He was only really good at basketball.  His team was down by ten points.  The other team were their rivals and they were going to win.  But the other team knew about that kid and so when they were on offense they passed it to him on defense.  So he took a shot and missed.  They rebounded for him and gave the ball back to him!  So he got the team more than 10 points and his team won because of an act of kindness.

March 4, 2013

Marshmallow Challenge!

Today in GEL we had a fun time!  We had 20 inches of string a tape,  a marshmallow, 20 spaghetti noodles, and our brains and team.  The point was to build a structure with the materials and put the marshmallow on top and have everything standing without you holding on to it with 18 minutes.  It was really fun!  My team won which consisted of Henry, Seth, Michael and me.  It was 18 and 1/2 inches tall!  We did it by building a pyramid and put the marshmallow on top.  We didn't even use the string!