May 31, 2012

Mr. Reid

Our principle, Mr. Reid retired today.  He's been a principle at  Meadow View Elementary for 5 years!  He's been a principle at other schools for 13 years.  Today, K-4'th grade sang a song for him.  We also planted a tree for him!

May 30, 2012

50 States Test!

This Thursday, (tomorrow) we have our 50 states test coming up!  If we get everything right we get a pizza party with my teacher, Mrs Molitor.  She's really nice and gives us time to study for the upcoming test at school and reminds us to study a lot at home to.  I'v been practicing really hard so I hope I get them all right! :)

May 29, 2012

10 year old camping trip!

On May, 19'th Me and Dad went on a 10 year old camping trip.  He did it for Gavin when he was 10.  He'll do it for Chloe when she turns 10.  Anyway, the important part is that we went camping, just me and Dad.  So we drove for an hour and a half to a place called William O'brian State Park.  It was beautiful!  Huge trees every where, lots of leaves still covering the ground for the past Winter, it wasn't to busy either   so more space for me and Dad! :)  The only un-beautiful part about it was that there were caterpillars everywhere!  Take a billion caterpillars and multiply it by infinity.  Then once you do that your still nowhere close to the number of caterpillars that were there.  About a billion caterpillars off.  Also they have some silk that they drop off of trees from.  So we got there and set up the tent.  Then we ate some lunch.  Sandwiches and chips.  Then we went hiking.  We found a rock that hung over the edge of the St. Croix river.  We found some sticks and started whittling there.  About 20 minutes later we hiked on this huge trail!  While Dad was looking at a sign I was being observant and saw an oriole.  They are amazing birds!  They are small, black and orange.  After that about 45 minutes later we finally got back to our campsite.  while throwing the Frisbee me and Dad noticed some caterpillars falling down the trees with their silk.  We got the frisbee and tried to cut off the caterpillars from their lines.  After watching them fall down after the frisbee cut their lines we got a hot dog and ate it for a snack.  Then we went back to that one rock and whittled there some more.  Then we went back to camp and threw the base ball.  After almost hitting the car with the b-ball we got out the frisbee and threw that some more.  Once I threw it close to the ground, Dad ran to catch it but accidentally stept on it and broke of part of the side.  After that little incident catching the frisbee was like catching a circular saw.  Dad motioned for me to come over to the fire pit with him.  Then Dad gave me a necklace!  Gavin got one too for his 10 year old camping trip.   It's all brown except for three blue beads.  One of them stands for integrity, another love and another, servent hood.  I really wanted to have those characteristics so I'v been trying really hard to.  Then guess what!?  We went to that rock again.  After 5 minutes of whittling Dad said, "  I think we should go back now."  I said, " No, we can stay here a few more minutes."  As soon as I said that we felt some rain drops.  They got heavier and faster and we had to go back to are campsite.  "Told You!"  Dad said.  AS soon as we got there we quickly wolfed down some hot dogs.  By time we got in the tent are clothes turned a darker shade.  We hadn't set up our sleeping bags yet and we were just about to when I was like, "Dad, how come I feel raindrops even in the tent?"  It turns out that our tent wasn't really water proof so we had to gather every thing and sprint into to the car.  We had the rest of our dinner in the car.  Dad said, "Good thing we hadn't set up our bags yet!"  "Yeah, tell me about it!"  So we had lots of fun in the car.  We played nertz, made shadow puppets, cuddled, read, listened to a book on tape, told ghost stories and got really tired!  Finally around 11:00 we decided it was time to go to Bed.  A caterpillar had snuck it's way in the car while we were almost falling asleep and gave me the heebie-jeebbies!  I'm surprised that I didn't have nightmares about caterpillars.

                          DAY NUMBER TWO!!!!!!!                                                                                              

ghkshdgkhlkjhldkshfgidsjhglkjshdkhgruzggdbsed hagjhljhaj ajghurhua  ghhd lhlgakjhur  shgklhsrguhuururskjhgu slhgurujrjjfuurjfjusljpqww ppwtjjjufr!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we woke up then had donuts, pop tarts and chips.  We got dressed and went to the check in place

May 24, 2012

A+ Birds

Did you know that Parakeets can count up to five?  They can!  Pigeons can count up ato six!  And one of the smartest birds on the planet, a Grey Parrot can count up to seven!  They also are able to talk very soon if you spend enough time talking to them. 

May 23, 2012


Today I relearned what a haiku is.  A haiku is a type of poem that doesn't have to rhyme. And the sentences are, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. 

May 22, 2012

Adding and Subtracting decimals

Today I learned how to add and subtract fractions.  I tried showing you but I had to delete it because I couldn't carry a number so if you want to know more about it ask me. :)

May 21, 2012

Roman Numerals

Today I learned some Roman Numerals.  One is;  I, two is;  II, three is;  III, four is;  IV, five is;  V, and so on.  In four it has the Numerals 5 and 1.  WHY?  Because the first Numeral tot he left of the Numeral farthest right, gets subtracted.  So, 5-1= 4.  Every Numeral to the right of the Numeral is added.

May 18, 2012


I thought I would start jogging this week.  I wanted to jog to get in better shape.  I mean, I'm already pretty muscular and whatnot but I wanted to be in better shape.  Also just for the fun of it so I might start jogging.

May 15, 2012

Help me not blow up these mean people!

Last night me and mom were talking on her bed.  I was telling her about problems with kids at school and stuff.  She said, " I have your same trouble.  SOme people annoy me a lot!  But I have a trick."  "Cool!" I said.  ( now you know why the title of this post is called that. :D)  Mom said, " You flip your hands the other side of you palms and say, "Lord take away my trouble." Then you flip your hands palm up representing you forgave them and stuff."  So now I know what to do when I feel like really hurting or get frustrated with somebody and you do to.

May 14, 2012

Le Nauo Angel! :)

I learned what Le Nauo means!  It means strong bird in chinese!  So I told Angel, "Your a Le Nauo!"  Angel replied with a chirp.  Maximum was a nauo but not a Le Nauo.  Nauo means bird.  And Le means strong.

May 11, 2012

Angel's Checkup

Today, Angel had her first checkup!  She was very stressed while being there but she's okay.  The avian vet said the she was perfectly fine, but she was eating a lot!  That's my Angel!  Because Maximum and Azul have both died I wanted to make sure she was okay.  So Angel has been my healthiest and most favorite bird! :) ( Yeah Angel I just said that! Aren't you surprised?)

May 9, 2012


Today I learned that there are two types of electricity; static electricity and current electricity.  Static electricity is non-moving.  Static electricity is flowing :)

May 7, 2012

Chinese Characters

Today I learned how to write somme Chinese characters!  It's really cool!  If you like drawing you should invest in some books on how to write in Chinese.  They have over 10,000 characters!
Also they don't have letters: they have words.  Plain words.
I'v just started learning and memorizing some.  I'll memorize how to pronounce them later. :)

The one I really have memorized is the symbols of, fire, water, earth and wind.



May 6, 2012

Raptor Release

On Saturday, me and Mom had some special time together.  We went to Bloomington to watch a Raptor Release.  They find wounded raptors and rehabilitate them, and then when they are fully healed they release them into the wild.  It's a really big event and there were so many people there that loved birds as much as me.  Well that's impossible because I love birds more than any one on the planet but there were people pretty close to that.  They had three gates and there were some raptors in those three gates.  There were, two American Kestrels, two red-tailed hawks ( a light morph and a dark morph ), two bald eagles, a turkey vulture, a screech owl, and a barn owl.  Me and Mom took lots of pictures and I'll show you some. I measured my arm length and for a bird, my wing span is as long as as an ospreys!  Moms was an ospreys too.  I got to make a nest and the first time I put the test egg on it, the egg fell through.  Poor chick.  The second time it survived.  About and hour of waiting and talking the release started.  They released a Red-tailed hawk and an American kestrel.  I didn't know what happened to the Kestrel because it started thundering.  But the red tailed hawk got hit by a car. :(   Then me and Mom beat the heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy rain!  It was pouring buckets man!  We drove to eat at this restaurant called, Q cumbers.  It was really good!  Then we sprinted for the car and by time we got in the car our clothes had turned a shade darker.  We were really wet.  I love my time with Mom! :)

May 3, 2012

My friend Logan, when he blows his nose it's very loud!  Like..... as loud as a car horn.  I'm serious.  Every one laughs at him except me.  I know he can't help it so why make fun of him?  A girl who sits next to him, her name is Emma, she teases him the most.  Today she lost her tooth and thought she looked weird without it.  Logan said that she looked better without it and kind things like that.  It amazed me how he was still very kind to Emma even if she was mean to him! :)  

May 2, 2012

Other cruel kids

Today another mean kid named Seth played kickball with me and some other people.  He kicked the ball up high and I caught it.  He (like Coby) didn't want to be out.  I told him to get off or else he couldn't play.  He called me a dit.  I have know clue what that means but I bet it wasn't nice.  I refrained from saying some mean things back and I wanted to say a lot back to him but luckily I refrained.  Some kids are just evil!

May 1, 2012

Types of Friends

In your life you'll probably only find one true friend.  A real friend will call you a lot even if your far away.  You'll keep in contact somehow with a true friend even if it's hard to do.  I learned who my real friends were when I moved to Minnesota.  Only four friends kept in touch with me.  Two in one family and two in the other.  I'v only found one friend in Minnesota.  His name is Logan.  I don't know if he'll stay a good friend because we are still getting to know each other.  There are also convenient friends who say to be your friends but the second you move or something like that you never hear from them again.