April 30, 2013

Roman Numerals

Today I learned Roman Numerals.  M equals 1,000.  D equals 500. C equals 100. L equals 50. X equals 10. V equals 5.  IV equals 4.

April 25, 2013

Michael Vey

I am reading one of the best book series ever!  It's called Michael Vey and it is about this kid named Michael Vey who can control electricity.  He finds some other kids who can control electricity to and.........the rest is classified information so you will have to read the book to find out the rest!  But trust me, it's good!

April 24, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa

I haven't been able too blog about them coming over because I had lots of other things to say but I will say it now.  GRANDMA AND GRANDPA ARE HERE!  They came last Friday and are staying until this tuesday!  We have had lots of fun together and I can't wait for more!  Thank you for coming Grandma and Grandpa!

April 23, 2013

What is causing Global Warming?

I read this one paper at school today that talked about fossil fuels.  It said that scientists thought that fossil fuels were what is causing Global Warming.  Things like: gasoline, oil, coal, and things similar to those.  Non-renewable resources.  I thought that was pretty cool.

April 18, 2013

Some Jobs I Would Like to Have When I'm Older

I would like to be a basketball player, a city planner (the guy who makes the layout of some city's), a bird watcher, a social worker and a dad.  I'm glad I have lot's of options and I don't have to decide right now because I would probably be all of them! :)  I could be like Ben Franklin and have like.... 26 jobs or something.But then I would need to think up a lot more!

April 17, 2013

A Weird Mailing System

In the city Sudai near the Grand Canyon, they have a very weird mailing system.  There are no Post Offices near there so they have to do something very cool/weird.  Since a helicopter is too expensive, they use camels and mules to haul the mail and packages in!  It's a very dangerous journey for the people riding the mules and camels and for the animals themselves.  But they get it through and it works!  That's awesome.

April 16, 2013

First Flying Frontiers

The first inventors who wanted to fly were some men in Italy.  They thought that if they put bird feathers on some wooden wing that they could fly.  But it didn't work.  They tested it out by jumping off some cliffs and they all died because the wings didn't work.  The next idea was this one guy tried to attach some huge balloons to a boat to see if it would fly but that didn't work.  The next idea was a peddle powered machine but that didn't work either.  The first flying machine was a hot air balloon.  And it worked! :)

April 15, 2013

Now a Skyscraper?

In G.E.L class today we talked about what our next project is going to be.  We are going to be constructing a skyscraper out of, newspaper, tape, coins (to see how many your skyscraper can hold up), and some other things.  It's going to be AWESOME!  I'm in a group with Henry, Seth, Ellie and me!  The winning group!  

April 12, 2013

Ninja the Killer-Dog

Whenever me and Chloe wrestle and I'm on top of her counting the three seconds, Ninja comes up from behind me and jumps on me!  She nips my ear and my shirt.  Then she steps on my head and chest jumping on me like I committed a felony or crime or something.  She is going to probably kill a robber if one ever comes. :)

April 11, 2013

I am writing a book

I'm writing a book!  It is about this guy named......wait a minute....... THE COMPUTER JUST BLEW UP! Hold on...  Okay, I just switched computers so that I can finish typing.  AAAAHHHHHHHH!  A robber just broke in to our house and broke our other computer!  Hold on...... Okay, I just got on my Ipad.  Good thing my Ipad isn't going to break.  OH NO!  It just ran out of battery life!  Okay I guess I won't be able to finish writing my blog.  

April 10, 2013

What About Spring?

I can't believe that it's snowing heavily in Minnesota!  WHat about Spring?  HHHHEEELLLOOOO people, it's April not December! :)  I hope we at least have a snow day tomorrow!  But as my Mom says, "This snow is really wet!"

April 8, 2013

A Hammock full of Golfballs

Today in G.E.L class we had a competition.  We had to make a hammock using only, a 11x11 piece of knewspaper, string, tape, scissors, sticks and some golfballs.  I made a hammock that held all the golfballs in the class which is 16 golfballs.  I also tied with Henry, Michael, Tommy, Joseph and Seth.  It was really Awesome!

April 4, 2013

It's a great day to be alive!

All I have to say is this, I have had a great day!  I scored 100% on my math homework and on a 100 question timed test with multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction, had 4 interceptions (two for touchdowns) and 2 other touchdowns along with 3 assists and got to get of school early!  What a great day!  Listen to the song called, It's a great day to be alive, and you will know how I feel.

April 3, 2013

The Blank Sheet of Paper with Stuff on it (BSPS)

Today in G.E.L we all sat in a circle and the G.E.L teacher, Mrs. Huettl gave the group a blank white sheet of paper.  She told us that we had to be creative and make up a sentence put say it like we were reading it on the sheet of paper.  It was really cool to see what other people thought of like, "Goldfish had war against humans!" or "Fred got eaten by a shark!" or something.  (Both examples were used in the actual class.

April 2, 2013

NCAA Basketball Tournament

Have you been watching the College Basketball games?  I sure have!The teams that are still in it are, Wichita St, Louisville, Syracuse, and Michigan.  The next two games will be Louisville vs Wichita and Syracuse vs Michigan.  I'm counting on Michigan to beat Syracuse and I want Louisville to beat Wichita.  Who are you counting on?

April 1, 2013

Design A Cell phone

Today in G.E.L class we went on a computer and designed a cellphone for senior citizens (old people)!  It was really cool and I followed every single thing they wanted the phones to be like but there was a glitch and when they replied back it was all negative things! :)  Ed heads was the website we went on to do that and they have a bunch of other cool activities to do besides making a cell phone.  Go to Ed heads.com and you can check out all their other cool stuff.