October 2, 2012

Youth Raptor Corps

Today I got off school early to go to the University of Minnesota at the raptor center.  I'm part of the Youth Raptor Corps.  It's like Cub or Boy scouts but for birds.  You earn badges and get to see the birds up close and lots of other cool stuff.  I could make a book about my time there but I'm not going to so I'll have to shorten it up.  My favorite part was when we randomly grabbed a feather out of a bag and had to guess what kind of bird it belonged to.  My guess was right.  My feather belonged to a Great Horned Owl!  First I looked at it's colors and guessed on that.  Then and I made flying motioned with it in my hand and it didn't make any sound.  I knew it was right because owls are silent flyers.