July 27, 2011

July 27'th

Hi it's me again..... don't try to interrupt me like you did a few times ago....Bennett Mallott. so I woke up at five o clock and read a book for two hours until seven o clock which was when I got dressed and ate some breakfast. After that Dad came back from work to pick me up and bring me to my last day of base ball camp. So we went there and played some twenty one ( my dad was watching the hole time) , a home run contest and a running contest. Then our Coach gave us some candy bars and a certificate. Then Dad took me home and went back to work while I did my math and language smarts until Mom,Gavin and Chloe came home then we had lunch and Mom and Chloe went out too go to Chloe's horse lessons. Me and Gavin watched some TV and folded Mom's towels. We also played. Then Mom and Chloe came home and we went outside a sprayed each other with the hose. After that me and Gavin took Ninja on a walk. Now you'll find me writing this blog.

RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS: Picked up Doggie Poop for Chloe so that she would'ent get scared.