September 9, 2015

2'nd Day

We have a new schedule this year for school.  We are split up into Day A days, and Day B days.  So yesterday was Day A for me, and today was Day B for me.  So it was like the first day of school again for me because I had different teachers.  I think I will like Day A more but Day B is still pretty cool.  I have friends in every single class so that helps.  Earth Science was really fun today - the teacher, Mr. Terhart is funny and we did a fun activity where we had 8 marshmallows and 8 dry spaghetti noodles and we had to come up with a tall structure on our own that could hold up a ping pong ball for at least 10 seconds without you holding it and without the ball falling.  Also, the ball had to be higher than everything else so you couldn't just trap it inside something or whatever.