Ever since second grade, I have had the same bike. So I think after 6 years, maybe I should get one that fits a little better. So Dad, Mom, and I looked online for cool bikes and I bought one with my own money. It is pretty sick. It's orange and black and is way bigger than my old bike. Plus it's getting here before the triathlon so I will be able to use it for the triathlon which will definitely help. I have been biking a lot lately and really like it so that's why I got a new bike. Plus we have a ginormous hill right next to our house and it's really hard to ride up it. So a new bike would make it a lot more fun to go up and down the hill. I can't wait to ride it! :)
It looks a little small but it's because of the picture. It's actually the second largest side in the adult size so... yeah. Bye!