August 22, 2014

Un-Journaling 34

Instructions:  Write an "un-ad" that tells the absolute truth about a product.

The absolute truth about food commercials on TV is that the food they show isn't real.  Let's say that the commercial was for a burger, the burger is probably plastic and they just paint it to look like a patty.  The bun isn't real, the sesame seeds on the bun aren't real, and when they zoom up on the burger, they put smoke in the background instead of an actual smokey burger!

August 21, 2014

Un-Journaling 33

Instructions:  There is smoke.  Where is it coming from?  You investigate and are surprised by what you find.  Describe what you discover.

When I got to the place with smoke, I saw the most amazing thing!  You would never believe it but I think you should listen anyways.  So I ran over to the smoke and I found a small chipmunk.  Cute right?  No, he was a small, cute, FIRE-BREATHING chipmunk!  Apparently he got mad at a squirrel and well... let's hope the squirrel's death was a quick one.

August 19, 2014

Un-Journaling 32

Instructions:  The general gives short, straightforward orders.  His wife gives longer, chattier suggestions.  How does the general tell his son to get up and mow the lawn?  How does his wife tell him?  Write out the words of each.

General:  "Son!  Mow, now!  Straight lines back and forth!  Quick, Quick, now!"

Wife:  "Billy dear, do you think you can mow the lawn today?  Make sure that when you mow, the mower is straight and that way the lines are straight.  Take your time and do it right."

August 15, 2014

Un-Journaling 31

Instructions:  Write a three-sentence paragraph about a dog, using no letters of the alphabet that appear before "m."



Many run.  Most zoom.  Wow, you run!

😀 That was even harder than the last blog!

August 13, 2014

Un-Journaling 30

Instructions:  Write a paragraph in which each word begins with a letter of the alphabet, in order backwards, from Z to A.  You may use the articles aan and the wherever you wish.

"Zach, yuck!  Xylophones were very useful tsome reasons.  Quick people onew motorcycles love them.  Kangaroos jumping ihot green flowers eat them.  Dude's cry because all xylophones are special.  So don't chew on them."  

:)  That was HARD!    

August 12, 2014

Un-Journaling 29

Instructions:  What kind if cartoon show might appeal to an over-age-65 audience?  Imagine the show.  Then, in 100 words or less, describe the show and its main character.


(The name of the show)

In this show, the main character is named Eugene.  Eugene is a 5 year old boy who thinks he is a 90 year old man.  He pretends to walk like one and even bought himself a cane.  The show will be about Eugene and all the other kids his age playing at a park or something but he just sits on a bench and asks kids if they want him to tell a story.  He also makes some wise comments when kids get hurt or something.

August 11, 2014

Un-Journaling 28

Many products today come with warnings that seem pretty obvious-and ridiculous.  Create five original and obvious warnings for anything you choose.

1.  A cup with nuclear waste in it says, "Warning!  Do not drink nuclear waste."

2.  A car has a warning that says, "It is recommended to not stand in front of a car while it's driving."

3.  There is a warning on a grenade that says, "Warning.  Do not pull cap!"

4.  A box of Cheez-Its has a warning that says, "Warning!  May contain cheese."

5.  A set of LEGO's has a note that says, "Warning.  Little kids can choke on pieces.  

August 8, 2014

Un-Journaling 27

Instructions:  You are a writer with a secret arrangement with the automobile industry.  You will be paid $10.00 for every word you publish that included the word car.  Examples, scar, cart, carp, carton.  The hope is the repetition of the letter c-a-r will encourage people, subliminally to want to buy cars.  You are starting a short story for a magazine.  Write your first paragraph.  How much money can you make using c-a-r in just that paragraph?

An old friend once told me, "Carpe Diem."  It means seize the day.  It means that wether you are shopping in a store and are pushing a cart, doesn't mean that you can't seize the day.  If you are buying a carton of eggs or looking at a carnivorous animal or eating carbohydrates, you must still seize the day.  If you write caring words to someone in a card or you just like to be careful, seize the day.  

August 7, 2014

Un-Journaling 26

Instructions:  Create an impression of a person, real or imaginary, by describing only the persons hands.  Use only three sentences.

Dude (a human) has three hand, the one on his left side is blue.  The hand on his right side is blue as well.  The hand stretching out from his chest is pink.

August 6, 2014

Random blog late at night

Some people are made to write.  Some people are just good at it.  Notice I said some people.  (:  My Mom isn't an author but her blogs are like, really long.  Every time I finish a good book, (I counted and I have read 14 books this summer!  All of them were good.) I think to myself how easy it is to write a book.  I have a way of doing things like that it my mind.  Like I think to myself, if someone had a gun against my head and ordered me to to twenty pull-ups, otherwise I would die, I usually just think, yeah I could do that if I had to.  In real life if that situating happened, I would be able to do two pull-ups, then I would die.  Happy thought.  I have a lot of awesome ideas for books in my head but when I try to write them, I get about one paragraph done and give up.  There would probably be a ton of good books written by well, me, if I had continued them.  To many ideas but I can't follow through.  (:  I think the reason I always think that I could do something hat I actually can't do is because of my Lymes Disease.  Now if you were talking about someone who had a life threatening disease, you wouldn't talk about me.  But if you were talking about someone who, every morning wakes up and literally feels like he played a hundred games of rugby during the night them got hit by a truck going 70 mph, you probably will be talking about me.  (: No joke.  Calling me sore would be a huge understatement.  But I'm not complaining.  A couple weeks ago, we went on a canoe ride.  If you have ever gone canoeing on a hot day in a metal canoe in the middle summer you know it's fun.  A couple weeks before that and even that day, I had been taking pills for Lyme's Disease (that didn't work) and one of the allergic reactions that I didn't read was to stay out of direct sunlight.  (:  ahhh, if you know me, you will see the irony.  Making me staying out of direct sunlight?  Are these people crazy?  (:  but I didn't see the note.  So of course after canoeing for a while, I felt a very unusual feeling in my hands so to speak.  First, cake the tingling.  Then came the stinging.  Then came the burning.  Then came the agony.  IT HURT A LOT!  I cried actually and to make me cry from physical pain is very rare.  My hand were on fire and there was nothing I could do.  So I endured the seven mile canoe ride with my hands on fire except with no fire.    It hurt for days afterwards and I still have scars and burns on my hands right now.  Two days later, it was just me and dad in the car and he was asking me questions about the burning in my hands.  We finally came to the subject of cancer patients.  He told me that people with cancer, the medication they take makes their whole body like that!  I am truly grateful and thankful.  My guardian angel knows me well and has been with me through every painful situation I have been through.  (A lot). And probably is so sick if taking some of my pain. (:  Every time I am in a painful situation I actually think of God.  Or my family.  I think of how loved and lucky I am and how good of a life I live.  I am a ground magnet, a human punching bag, and I am sure that one day I will get hurt really really really bad.  But I don't care.  I have God's love, my families love and that makes me so very happy.  No one has a bigger smile than me when I realize all this.  I didn't write this blog to brag about how hurt I am, or how much pain I have endured, or anything else.  Actually I don't know why I wrote this blog.  It is like 11pm and my mind doesn't work properly after about 9:30.  (:  I had an impulse to write a blog so I did.  I don't know if I have ever written a blog this long for no apparent reason.  I have realized who I am.  I am a kid with a big smile, a kid who loves God, a kid who has the best family ever and who doesn't know much more than that.  Goodnight I guess.  I'm tired but maybe you guys are reading this blog in the afternoon or morning.  So I will just say good morning.  Or good afternoon.  Or maybe you are so happy you just wrote a blog for no reason and are reading his blog late at night.  Well since I don't whether to say good day or goodnight, I will just say good.  Cuz God is good.

Un-Journaling 25

Instructions:  What are the best reasons for doing nothing?  List them.

1.  You get to relax.

2.  You get time to think freely.

3.  You learn patience.

August 5, 2014

Un-Journaling 24

Instructions:  What advice would a dog give about life, if it could talk?  Write that advice.

Mr. Owner, I wanted to give you some advice because it seems like you are always unhappy.  Here it is: eat lot's of food if your owner gives you a chance, don't bark early in the morning because your owner will be mad, if you have to go to the bathroom make sure you do it quick, and always ask for your tummy to be rubbed.

August 4, 2014

Un-Journaling 23

Instructions:  Mr. and Ms. Pinehurst-Granola believe that school cheers are too violent.  They don't like cheers like these:  Hit em again.  Hit em again.  Harder!  Harder!  Or:  Orange and black.  Sharks!  Attack!  To please the Pinehurst-Granolas, write a nice gentle cheer for the Sharks.

Learning!  Learning!  Shark's Love Learning!