April 30, 2014


The story I am about to tell you, (it is completely true) is a typical Bennett scenario.  So I was sleeping last night as most people do, and I had a dream that I woke up in the middle of the night and turned the light on in my room.  Why?  I don't know.  Then I stood there for about five minutes and decided it was morning time and so I went over to Angel's cage and started to replace her water.  But I realized that it wasn't morning yet, so I put the water back.  With out SHUTTING THE DOOR OF HER CAGE!  When I woke up for real, I found myself in my room which was completely ransacked, the light was on, Angel's cage was open and the water was still on the table where her cage was.  At first I thought it was Gavin or Chloe, then I thought it might be a robber who was here at night, or it was Ninja.  I was still groggy so don't blame me for thinking it was Ninja.  So I went downstairs to see Mom and told her about my dream and my room.  We put two and two together and APPARENTLY I had been sleepwalking.  This happened the other day too, just I was sleep talking not walking.  (:  Get used 2 my life if u r going 2 keep on reading my blogs.  :)  LOL