December 3, 2013

If I Could Pick One Phrase to Describe the World it Would Be...

Today in G.E.L, I wrote an article.  I had to choose one phrase to describe the world and write about it. Here it is.

If I had to pick one phrase to describe the world it would be, 'take for granted', because, I find myself or others doing that all the time.  Think about really rich people like basketball players or football players or any rich kind of person you can.  Do you think they all enjoy every moment of life to the fullest or act like this might be the last day of their life, and try to live it to the best way possible?  I think that a lot of rich people just take for granted what they have and don't appreciate anything.   And I know that is just a stereotype, but I think that for a lot of people it is true!  It doesn't even have to be rich people either!  I find myself doing that all the time!  I sometimes take for granted that I live in a nice house, and that I get to eat food everyday, or that I have a family to be with, or that I have an education and a basketball hoop and a TV and an iPad that my school gave me, or a phone, or a pet dog and a pet bird, or anything at all that I have.  Have you ever thought about people on Haiti, or the Philippines, or slums in Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Iran?  Do you think they have a TV and have food on the table every night?  Do they even have a house?  I'm sure that if one of those really, really poor people get anything that regular or rich people have, they will protect it and love it and do everything with it, except take it for granted.  So I guess all I am trying to say is, don't take things for granted because there are other people out there that would love to have what you take for granted.