December 18, 2013

Broken Wrist

My teammate, Jackson, broke his wrist (his radius) at our last game!  He is our best shooter and always has lots of three pointers!  One game, he had 6 three pointers!  He is also my friend and we are in some of the same classes.  This is how he broke his wrist:  he went up for a layup, but got fouled with the ball still in his hands.  So in mid-air, over out-of-bounds area, he tried to pass the ball to one of our teammates, but when he fell, he landed all on his wrist!  He said that it is only a hairline break and that it will heal before our next game, and said I can be the first one to sign his cast!  :)  So we will still have our three point guy back, but he will just be a little bit rusty.