April 16, 2009

the dog at night

hi it's me again bennett mallott head of ranch security well i was on my bed reading a book when i herd a bark i went down stars. i went outside then a dog jumped at me arf arf arf !!!!!!!!!!! yikes you have never seen a dog like that before. remember it was at night let me tell you what he looked like 1. he had big sharp teeth 2. he had pointy ears 3. he was giving me the creeps then i felt a rubbing on my leg i looked down a cat . have i told you about cats well then hers a good time to tell you i don't like them at all and a cat rubbing on my leg no sir !!!!!! stop cat or i will have to get you off me got it !!!!!!!! ok that's better whate a minuet that dog was a coyote so not only did we discover the case of the dog at night but the cat is not rubbing on my leg iny more case cleared