February 29, 2016


For science, we had to pick an element of the periodic table, made a 3D representation of it, and learn some basic facts about it.  I didn't want this element, but I had one of the last picks, so I chose Nickel.  It's pretty cool I guess.  Did you know that nickels (the coin) are not actually made of nickel?  Also, nickel is used for stainless steel, and it's magnetic.  My 3D model was made out of marshmallows, and since I have no self control with dessert at all, I think I ate half the bag before I started making it.  Good thing we had enough!  

February 24, 2016

So today I got to leave school early because of an orthodontist appointment.  They said that I definitely will need braces.  They say that it will take about 2 years with braces, and another 2 years for follow up stuff.  I just want braces and to get it over with.  I used to have braces, but I don't know why we stopped.  I think they didn't work or something.  But I just want braces soon, so that they will be done before high school ends.  Lot's of my friends have braces, so it's not that big of a deal.

February 23, 2016


Our next tournament is the Rochester Tourney.  It is by far my favorite (as I have probably said for the past couple years) and each year it gets better. I just get to hang out at a hotel with the best dad ever, play basketball games, watch college basketball, swim at the hotel pool, and have free breakfast.  Basically everything good in life packed into one weekend.  :)  It is our second to last tournament this year, and it has been a fun year.  A learning year, but the best one I have had yet.  In one week, Dad and I will be going to Rochester to have some fun, so I just want to time travel and get there tomorrow.  :)

February 18, 2016

So in geography class, we have to make a presentation on any country.  I'm doing Australia.  The teacher asked me why and I was like, "Because I like their accents," and he didn't think that counted as an answer.  I mean, that the only reason I have to like it.  They have sharks, alligators, tons of species of snakes, bird eating spiders that are as big as dinner plates, scorpions, and lots of other deadly things.  I don't like any of that.  But I like kangaroos.  So I guess the two reasons why I chose Australia is because they have kangaroos, and they have cool accents.  There.  That works.
Fun fact:  did you know that Australia has the largest amount of Greeks in the world, besides Greece?  They do.

February 17, 2016

Happy Birthday

Today is Michael Jordan's birthday!  Happy Birthday MJ!  If you don't know who Michael Jordan is, I'm sorry I won't tell you.  It's your own humanity that your wasting, not knowing who Michael Jordan is.  (:  I'm kinda hoping that he will read this and give me a free pair of Jordan sneakers, but I doubt it!  (:  He's turning 53 today.  So Happy Birthday again, Michael Jordan!

February 9, 2016

Three Types of Volcanoes

There are three main types of volcanoes:  Cinder Cone, Shield, and Strato.  Cinder Cone is the type of volcano we think about whenever we think about a regular volcano.  It is tall and cone shaped.  The next volcano is a shield volcano.  It's called a shield volcano because it looks like a shield.  It is relatively flat and short, but really wide.  It's not typically a lava flowing volcano.  The last kind is the Strato volcano.  It is really tall, usually snow covered, and the deadliest.  It shoots out lava very fast, and even if you are 30 miles away from it, the lava will still catch up to you because of its speed.  The lava goes so fast because of the momentum it builds up as it rushes down the volcano.

February 5, 2016

In math class, we are about to start a new unit.  It is going to be self paced, which I am pretty excited about.  It's seems like a lot of fun, and it might even be more helpful for my learning needs.  I think it's awesome that we can just watch a video on a lesson over and over if we wanted too, to get the feel for the math.  That way, if I'm stuck, I can ask the teacher or re-watch the video.  I'm really looking forward to it and I think I'll do great.

February 4, 2016

Spanish Food

So in Spanish class today, we had a quiz about some Spanish food names.

Here are some of the foods I know in Spanish:

Manzana: Apple
Naranja: orange
Cereal: cereal
Pan: bread
Pan tostado: toast
Jamón: ham
Tocino: bacon
Sandwich: sandwich
Salchicha: sausage
Ensalada: salad
Galleta: cookie
Fresa: strawberry
Sopa: soup
Papas fritas: French fries
Perrito Caliente: hot dog
Aguacate: avocado
Coco: coconut
Hamburguesa: hamburger.

That's only a couple.  I know a ton more, too.

February 3, 2016


We got a snow day yesterday!  There was just a TON of snow yesterday!  There was like ten billion feet of snow that was outside, and Gavin and I had to go out like 4 different times to reshovel the driveway.  The snow just kept coming.  We would shovel off one part of the driveway, move on to another part, and then when we were finally done, we passed the first part and it was so annoying!  The snow drifts are like 10 feet tall, and you could fit our house inside of one.  Just kidding, but they were pretty tall.  It was hard, but kinda fun.