January 22, 2016

So lately in my basketball games, I have not done as amazing as I had previously hoped.  I averaged like 7 points per game, but I had really good defense.  It was just the offensive part wasn't going as smoothly as I wanted it to.  So I was really at a loss for what to do.  I realized that I was turning basketball into some sort of life or death activity instead of a my favorite thing to do besides eat.  I was setting my expectations too high, and suffered from it.  Also, I would get down on myself if I missed a shot or had a bad play, and it would affect me the rest of the game.  So I realized that I should just play basketball, have fun, and try my hardest.  That way, I just do what I love and the points and amazing plays will come.

January 21, 2016

Plate Tectonics

In Earth Science, we are learning about plate tectonics. It's confusing and easy at the same time.  Basically, a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really long time ago, the was a super continent.  It was when all the continents were all merged together to create what was called Pangaea.  If you break it apart, it is: pan, which means "all", and Gaea, meaning earth.  So basically, it means "all earth".  It would have looked something like this: 


Eventually, in like the early 1900's, some sciency dude named Alfred Wegener discovered that the world used to look like the picture above.  He wanted to know why.  We now know that we don't live in some big super continent because of something called the Continetal Drift.  That's where the plate tectonics thing comes into play.  In the ocean, in mid ocean ridges, the sea floor reversed polarity and because of the magnetic sea floor stripes.  So then the continents drifted apart and here we are today.  Tadaaaaaaa!

January 12, 2016

Gavin Day

Today is Gavin's birthday, for those of you who don't know what day it is.  I'm thankful for Gavin not only because he helps me with math since he practically invented math, but because he is awesome. 

Almost as fast as me.  (:  Just kidding he's faster.
Way to cool to only be 17.
Exceptionally intelligent.
Super strong.
Overpowered at chess.
My bro.

Get it?  It spells out awesome if you look at the first letter of each sentence?  (:  Habby birthday dude!

January 8, 2016

So far this year in a geography class, we have already covered Canada, Mexico and Central America, South America, and the unit we are currently on is Europe.  But we are specifically focusing on Germany in the European unit.  The four most important cities in Germany are: Berlin, Frankfurt, and Hamburg and Munich.  Berlin is important because it is the capital.  Frankfurt is important because it is the money making/ banking city.  Hamburg is important because it invented the hamburger, and because it is a port city.  And Munich is the manufacturing city which also hosts Oktoberfest.