August 19, 2015

Alliterations for the day:

Ralph's red rhino ran really rapidly.

Super Sam saved somebody screaming.  Seriously.

Tucker's tall tortoise turned to turquoise.

Usually, underage unicorns untie umbrella's.

August 17, 2015

Picture Day

Today is picture day!  Sadly, it means the summer is almost over, but it also means that I get my schedule and stuff so that I am ready for 8'th grade.  The schedule this year is much different the other years because they completely changed the system.  Instead of having 45 minute classes, we have 90 minute classes.  And since we can't fit nine 90 minute classes into one day, we make some classes every other day.  So it's going to be pretty confusing for the first couple of days but then I will get used to it.

August 14, 2015

Here are a couple more alliterations:

Omar's orange orangutan only ate oranges.

Peter's perfect pickle pudding painting.

 Quick Queen Quizzle's quest.

August 13, 2015

Here are five more alliterations:

Jack's jumping jellybeans just jumped.

Kim's kangaroo keeps kicking Kyle's Koala.

Little lemon-lime lollypop.

Mr. McMopper made many maroon muffins.

Normal Norbert new Needy Nellie needed new newspapers.

August 11, 2015

Some More Alliterations

Here are some more alliterations:

Gary gave Gavin great green geraniums.  Gavin gardened Gary's geraniums.

Happy Harry hoped Horrible Heather hadn't hung herself.

Ian's illness is infiltrating Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, instead of Iceland.

The i one was the hardest!!!!! :)

August 10, 2015

More Alliterations

Here are some more alliterations:

Dave dumbly died doing deadly dodgeball... Dave didn't do desirable.  

Edward enjoys eating everything - even eating eggplant.

Feeling frustrated, Frank fried Fredrick for fun.

August 7, 2015

For the next couple blogs, I am going to probably to some alliterations for each letter of the alphabet.  So I'll start with A, B, and C today.

Aunt Ally and Aunt Amy ate anything at all at an apple arboretum.

Big Bad Billy bet Bob a billion bucks because Big Bad Billy became bored.

Chuck chewed cherry's carefully cuz cherry's can choke certain creatures.

August 6, 2015

American Ninja Warrior

American Ninja Warrior is the coolest show known to mankind.  Seriously.  It's awesome.  These contestants have to complete these really hard obstacle courses that look very difficult.  They have them in a couple different cities and if you complete the qualifying obstacle course, then you move on to city finals, then you move on to Mount Midoriyama Stage 1, then Mount Midoriyama Stage 2, Mount Midoriyama Stage 3, then the final course, Mount Midoriyama Stage 4.  Each course gets harder and harder and each year, new obstacles are put into the courses that make it much more difficult.  You should watch it.  Seriously.

August 5, 2015

The go-karting and what-not was awesome!  We only got to go 3 times because the lines were huge, but we also did a lot of bumper boats and mini golf and the water slides.  One thing I realized is that not everybody eats at the same time I am used to.  I ate breakfast at 8:00 yesterday and it was just a regular breakfast.  But I had lunch at 3!  Man, other people these days.  :)  And then we had dinner at about 9 ish.  This morning, I had breakfast at 10!  CRAZY!  So now I finally get to eat when I am used to eating.  :)

August 4, 2015

I'm going to this really cool thing today that one of my friends from church, Ben, invited me to.  There is unlimited go-karting, water slides, put-putting, bumper boating, and best of all, free food!  :)  It sounds awesome and I can't wait to go there.  Then after we go there, I am having a sleepover with Ben.  So it will be a pretty fun day.  The go-karting will probably be the best, because every time I go go-karting, I never touch the brake.  I floor it the whole way and that is the best way to do it.  Unlimited go-karting might be one of the best things ever!

August 3, 2015

Triathlon Results

The triathlon was awesome!  It was really fun and challenging.  Thank you everybody who donated money - that will help a child with cancer because it can pay their medical bills, or help out a family who is poor because the medical bills are so expensive.  I got second place which is pretty good.  It was more fun and more challenging than I thought it would be.  The biking ended up being the hardest for me, then it was the swimming, then it was the running.  The biking 4.5 miles was hard and it really tired me out for running, but I still got second so that's good.  The whole time I thought of the kids with cancer and that is why is really counts.