March 27, 2015


I made a new friend who I have known since last year, just never actually knew.  His name is Sabir.  He is from a Kenyan background and has a cool Kenyan accent.  He is clutch at soccer but sucks at basketball, and I suck at soccer but good at basketball.  So we decided to hang out and he can make me better at soccer and I can make him better at basketball.  :)  He said he was born in America, but moved to Kenya for a while because his parents are from Kenya.  He said his name means patience.  He also said he was a hypocrite because his name means patience but he has none of it.  :)   He is really funny and we are about as fast.  Since we are in the same P/E class, we always challenge each other.  I can't wait to hang out with him over Spring Break.

March 26, 2015


Nick is our youth pastor for our church.  He is really funny, really cool and really awesome.  Sadly, he made an announcement last night that he will be preaching at a different church starting this summer.  It was so sad because he was crying and seeing a man cry makes you want to cry.  Thankfully, I managed to not.  :)  He made this really cool slideshow of his favorite memories here at the church with us kids and it was sad.  

March 25, 2015

What Caused the Great Depression

In history today, we learned part of what caused the Great Depression.  People thought that when they bought things with credit, that it was free.  They didn't realize that you had to pay the same amount plus extra.  So when they were buying a bunch of 'free' things, and then had to pay for them, they didn't have the money available.  So they went to their banks to get some money out of some stock that they had but the banks didn't have the money.  It was crazy!  :)

March 24, 2015

These students from the high-school came over today and talked to us about how alcohol and drugs effect you and stuff.  It was pretty cool, but they just said everything we already covered in class.  (Health class)  There were a bunch of kids and I guess the high-school sent them because they think we might think they are cooler than a bunch of teachers.  :)  It was pretty fun, though.

March 23, 2015


Why is there snow?!  It snowed yesterday!  In fact, it snowed more than it has all winter... by a lot!  It was so deep!  I was just getting used to getting used to getting used to getting used to feeling warm, when it decided to SNOW!  Why???  Whatever!  :)

March 20, 2015

Pie Time

Today in 9'th hour, our school had a big pep-fest.  There were awesome activities!  Students got to pie teachers!  Those teachers then got to pie students!  It was so funny!  In case you don't know what getting pied is, I'll explain it.  Its really simple.  You get a pie, and then throw it at someone's face.  They look stupid after they get pied, which I guess is the whole point.  :)

March 19, 2015

March Madness - #Upsets

It's the first day of March Madness and there have already been three major upsets!  That's what I love about March Madness.  So much tension, pressure, buzzer-beaters, and awesome games.  I love college basketball but March Madness brings out the best in the players.  Plus, all my favorite teams are in the tournament, so it is so exiting!  (:

March 18, 2015

New Schedule

For the past week, we have been trying out this new schedule that we are going to be doing next year for school.  I like it, but it can be confusing.  And boring!  We have each class for 88 minutes, so basically an hour and a half for each class!  Well, except for P/E... sadly.  :)  On day one, we have all of our even numbered classes, and on day two, we have all our odd number classes.  Like today I had 2'nd, 4'th, 6'th, and 8'th.  It is boring but the teachers have a lot more time to teach you stuff which is good.

March 17, 2015

Amazing Illusion

Here is an amazing optical illusion video.  It leaves me going, "Whaaaaa?"  :)

March 16, 2015

State Tournament

We did pretty good in our State Tournament.  We had some close games, though.  We won by two twice and we lost by four once.  There was also a game where we lost by quite a bit, even though we should have beaten that team.  I had a lot of fun this season and learned A LOT!!!!  :)  Time for the off-season.

March 13, 2015


It has been a tradition for the past couple of years for our basketball team to shave our number into our head before our state tournament.  So that's what I did.  What I didn't know, was that everybody else on my team wasn't doing it anymore.  So I was the only one!  I felt so weird, but my friends thought it was hilarious!  :)  So I guess I will just be unique this year.  :)

March 12, 2015

WW1 Technology

In history, we are learning about the WW1 technology.  WW1 was actually called 'the first modern war', because of the new technologies and weapons.  The new weapons were: chemical weapons (like Mustard Gas), flamethrowers, U-boats, airplanes, zeppelins, artillery, machine guns, tanks, and more sophisticated bombs.  Soldiers mainly fought in trenches, and we able to collapse at any moment.  It was a very dangerous and deadly war.

March 11, 2015

Last Practice

Last night, I had my last basketball practice of the season.  It is amazing how fast time flies.  I feel like I just had my first practice!  It's a relief, but is also saddening.  I liked getting pushed harder than I would probably push myself, having coaches who respect me and want the best out of me, and teammates that became my friends.  But we still have our State Tournament left, so the season isn't fully over.  Time to practice on my own!  :)

March 6, 2015

What is This New Feeling?

I was walking home from the bus stop today when I had a really weird feeling.  It felt....warm?  Yes, that's it.  The sun decided to come out and shine it's rays on me.  It was awesome!  Well, as awesome as 38 degrees is when it has been -20 for as long as you can remember.  :)  So I hope I get used to this weird feeling again, because that means it's closer to SSSSSSSUUUUUUUMMMMMMEEEEERRRRRRR!  :)

March 5, 2015

Companion Book

In language, we have to write a companion book to this book called All of the Above.  I think its kind of dumb because it has to be eight chapters, and it has to be at least 24 pages long.  Actually, I am okay with having to write that much, I just don't like how it has to be a companion book.  If we got to write our own book, that would be fine but instead we have to write a book about a book?  That's just weird.  So I am basically just trying to fill in random words to make it three pages for each chapter.  It's hard and annoying, but I have gotten better at writing.

March 4, 2015

Father and Son Night

On Monday, we had a really fun practice.  It was the Dad's vs the Kids.  We all had to dress up in crazy costumes and stuff.  I wore a red wig with a stocking cap, a Dirk Nowitzki jersey, really long socks that don't match my shoes, and wrist bands.  Everybody said I looked either like Sean White, or a homeless baller.  :)  It was really fun.