December 23, 2014


Finally it's Winter Break!  I can't wait to sleep in and sleep in some more!  (:  And eat and eat some more!  And hang out with family and hang out with family some more!  Today seemed to take forever but finally it is over and now is officially Winter Break.  It is a much needed break.  A week and a half of no school and holidays... AWESOME!  Did I mention that I wanted to sleep in?  (:  ðŸ˜„

December 22, 2014

As it turned out, I aced my science test, and got an 89% on my math test, bringing my grade up to an A!  I am very proud because I am doing really good at school and have all A's.  Also, math is actually fun this year because I have some friends in those classes and the teacher is funny.  Also, it was her birthday today!

December 19, 2014

Two Tests

Today was hard!  I had two back to back tests in both language and science.  Whew!  On top of that for some reason, the teachers had a special day and got to eat food all day.  While they were teaching.  In class.  In.  Front.  Of.  Us.  AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  (:  So I was hungry about four hours before it was lunch time.  But it was a good day and I know I got really, really good scores on my tests.

December 18, 2014


Today in science, we took a fun digital test that asked you questions and you could either answer them as: strongly like, like, indifferent, dislike, or strongly dislike.  When I finished, it said that good jobs for me would be things like being a zoologist, a landscape architect, a wildlife park person, and things like that.  I totally see myself doing things like that.

December 16, 2014

Math is going pretty smooth for me right now.  I am doing very well and I am actually getting the material we are learning.  It's very exciting because it takes me a long time to get math.  It's really hard for me but once I get it, I start rocking.  (:  That's what I'm doing right now.  The unit in math we are doing is probability, but before that we have done a ton of hard units.  Probability is fairly easy, just there are some complications and tricks like any other kind of math that you just have to know and get the hang of.  Plus, my math teacher is really nice and patient with me and even though she is very quiet, she makes funny comments and jokes that brighten the class.

December 15, 2014

Winter Break

I think that this upcoming winter break is much needed!  You can only go so long in school with the only break being weekends.  It will be super fun and we will relax and be awesome and not have school!  (:  School is fun and all, and I love to learn but sometimes it just gets dull and boring doing the same things all the time.  Especially waking up early in the morning!!!!  (:

December 3, 2014

Art Class

My FACs class has recently been changed to another class which I like a lot better- art.  The teacher is really nice and awesome and we do really cool things.  Right now in art, we are drawing out nature designs, copying it down on a piece of something, and then carving it out.  I am doing a grove of birch trees for my design and it is turning out very well.  

December 2, 2014


Uncle John, Aunt Karen and Logan visited us during Thanksgiving Break.  It was really cool and I got to see Logan for the very first time!  He is very cute!  He is also very laid-back and relaxed.  He seems a bit like Curious George, and kind of looks like him too!  (:  I tickled him every morning and he loved it.  When I would stop, he'd look at me as if he was saying, "Come on, do it some more."